VR Infographic

For this project, I wanted to research the different kinds of immersion players experience in VR. I discovered a lot of research articles and papers demonstrating the different methods and how they determine how immersed a player is into the experience. For my infographic, I wanted to go over the 6 different methods of immersion:

  • Sensory: sight, hearing, haptic feedback (touch)
  • Spacial: Scale of the space, how the player moves in the world, etc.
  • Tactical: being in “the zone”, executing complex tasks or actions
  • Strategic: mentally stimulating experiences and challenges. (think chess, city building games, etc.)
  • Narrative: How believable is the story? Is everyone acting appropriately?
  • Social Immersion: Social Interactions can increase the believably of the space, since it is being shared with friends/others.

Here are the different references I found to help articulate my concept:

Measuring Immersion in VR: Academic Paper

Academic Paper: How much immersion is enough?

Immersive Types

Glossary and infographics on separate VR topics

After creating the 2D poster version, I created an animated one for website/screen use. Please enjoy!