Photo of Marjorie

Game Designer, 3D Artist


Hi there! I am Marjorie Pare, a 3D artist and game developer! I have worked on 3D models for AR/VR capable software, product design for enamel pins and stickers, and created models for indie games.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Footage of overworld for Tricky Trot. There are trees and grass scattered around an island. The player controls a fox character with a large drill.
Black and White UI layout of archeology video game. There's a mole in the bottom left corner and the screen is filled with varied dirt tiles.


Unity and C# scripting

With over 3 years of hands-on practice, I can help prototype any development project.

Full Adobe Suite

With knowledge of all of Adobe’s programs, such as Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, XD, I can help design layouts, concept art, and anything you could imagine!

Highly Adaptable

Critical Thinker

Python, Java, HTML and CSS

I know a variety of programming languages, and would be happy to help code your game’s backend and mechanics systems.

Maya and Blender

Years of hobby work in 3D modeling, rigging, and animation using powerful industry tools.

Excellent problem-solving skills


Have a question?

Feel free to contact me with anything you would like to ask. I’ll be happy to help!