Solo Game Dev: Cooking Cuisine

This is a collection of videos, images, and layouts for a cooking game I am working on in my free time. I created all assets, including the programming, animations, 3D models, etc.

Programs used: Unity, Blender3D, Photoshop/Clip Studio Paint

This project was created in order to test out some mechanics for a game I wanted to try. I absolutely love experimenting in the kitchen, and after playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and experiencing it’s free-form cooking, I was inspired.
I wanted to see if it was possible to create a fun experience centered around the feeling of creating a dish from scratch.

The goal is that the player would cook using ingredients they would find exploring the dungeon. These ingredients can be scavenged off of plants, harvested from monsters, or collected through unconventional means, like waiting for a wild boar to uncover truffles.

Environment Concept
Tutorial Level concept
UI Mockup

Cooking different ingredients together (and using a variety of cooking utensils) would provide the player with buffs and resistances to different hazards within the environment. This method allows players to choose up to 4 food items and 2 spice items without a recipe, encouraging experimentation.
I designed a modular cooking system that accounts for the bonuses for using the utensil, as well as adding up each ingredient’s bonus to create powerful combinations.

To continue with the theme of experimentation, I created a variety of different weapons for the player to use during his adventure. Ideally, the player would make dishes that buff their preferred weapon, but limited ingredients and encounters could create moments of necessary experimentation in specific areas.

Simple, example combat.
Swapping between weapon types

I wanted to create a whimsical, lighthearted feel for the game, so I created a bunch of low-poly assets to demonstrate this idea. All items were textured purely through vertex colors using a custom color palette.

A screenshot of a bunch of low poly fruit models.
An Image of a low-poly cookbook. The pages have crude illustrations of monsters and bits of loose pages are sticking out of it.

The following are a few more concept sketches of the UI storyboard, the ecosystem, and monster designs to fall in line with the core concept of the project.